Programming in HTML with JavaScript and CSS3.
Implementing special types of arrays
Using the pop and push methods
The pop and push methods provide stack functionality. The push method appends the specified items to the end of the array. The pop method removes the last item from the array.
The following code demonstrates this:
<input type="submit" onclick="PushPop()" value="Push & Pop Methods" /><br />
<div id="#div1"> </div>
<div id="#div2"> </div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var PushPop = function () {
var sports = new Array();
sports.push('soccer', 'basketball', 'hockey');
document.getElementById("#div1").innerHTML =
("Array After PUSH : " + "[" + sports.toString() + "]");
document.getElementById("#div2").innerHTML =
("Array After PUSH('football') : " + "[" + sports.toString() + "]");
var nextSport = sports.pop();
document.getElementById("#div3").innerHTML =
("Array After POP : " + "[" + sports.toString() + "]");
Using the shift and unshift methods
The shift and unshift methods work in the exact opposite way from the pop and push methods.
The shift method removes and returns the first element of the array, whereas the unshift method inserts new elements at the beginning of the array.
The following code uses the shift and unshift methods:
<input type="submit" onclick="ShiftUnshift()" value="Shift & Unshift Methods" /><br />
<div id="#div1"> </div>
<div id="#div2"> </div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var step2 = function () {
var sports = new Array();
sports.unshift('soccer', 'basketball', 'hockey');
document.getElementById("#div1").innerHTML =
("Array After UNSHIFT : " + "[" + sports.toString() + "]");
document.getElementById("#div2").innerHTML =
("Array After UNSHIFT('football') : " + "[" + sports.toString() + "]");
var nextSport = sports.shift();
document.getElementById("#div3").innerHTML =
("AFTER SHIFT : " + nextSport + " <br>ARRAY sports : " + sports.toString());
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