Azure DevOps Web Application CI/CD Pipeline to IIS Windows Server

Career web application


To facilitate the recruitment and candidates selection process with a simple, modern, mobile-ready responsive user interface and functionalities.


$189 / mo

up to 15 users

up to 30 jobs/month

1 level admin roles

printing functionality

2 GB hard disk


$229 / mo

up to 35 users

up to 50 jobs/month

2 level admin roles

printing functionality

10 GB hard disk

Core Team

Llazar Gjermeni – Azure Solutions Developer

Bledar Mahmuti – Azure Solutions Architect

CareerCore® is a web-based recruiting application build by Infocodify team utilizing Microsot technologies such as .Net Core, BootStrap 4, Azure Web Apps, SQL Database, Azure DevOps and more...

You can choose the plan that fits better your company needs, or in case you want a larger plan or acquire the web application please specify on your request.

Live Preview


Small/ Large
2 Days
Solution ID

Tech Stack

Visual Studio 2019
Azure Web Apps
Azure SQL Database
Azure DevOps
Git Source Control
.Net Core 3+
Bootstrap 4.3.1
Font-Awesome 5.11.2
jQuery 3.4.1
JavaScript Logo

Infocodify is a company registered in Quincy, Ma 02169.
Our Team is specialized in Web Applications Development, Azure DevOps and Azure Cloud Solutions.